Wednesday, February 19, 2020

The Abecedarian Project and Early Childhood Intervention Essay

The Abecedarian Project and Early Childhood Intervention - Essay Example I feel that there is a difference between the results found in this controlled study project study and what is found in the regular preschool. The reason behind my argument is unlike the regular preschool, for this controlled study there was an early intervention which determined academic improvement as compared to the regular preschool where intervention was done during the school-age. The controlled study provided long-term support where the children were provided with year-round, full-time childcare unlike the other regular preschool children who had minimal support or in some cases none. The children of the controlled study received individualized attention where there was a high ratio of staff to the student in every stage of the program which most of the regular preschool children lack (Karoly 78). The controlled study children were provided with better privileges than the regular preschool children (Karoly 113). Among these privileges were free diapers, transportation, food, a cademic and social improvement activities. The regular preschool children lacked some of these privileges and thus creating the difference. Another difference was that the children from the controlled study were brought up in better living conditions thus improving their developmental growth, socially, physically and education wise. For the regular preschool children they grew up in poverty thus had development differences. The controlled study children had a more positive head start in life, unlike preschool children.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Anthropology peoples sothesat asia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Anthropology peoples sothesat asia - Essay Example These two opposing clans are in constant conflict; but the advent of slavery will merge the steadfast differences of these two into one similarity: Borneans in Southeast Asia who are duty-bound under the guise of civilization and the economic vitality of slavery. In the end of the eighteenth century, western superpowers, specifically the Spanish, Dutch, and British in Borneo, commenced in subjugating Southeast Asia for the purpose of monopolizing sought after products and raw materials in the developing marketplace in the region and Europe. Borneo, endowed with the gift of a lucrative geographical position, intensified its trading relations with other Southeast Asian countries. This move improved the island’s economy and commercial power. The growth of trade perverted through notching a better market for slave traders and raiders owing to the demand for laborers to accumulate riches and resources. Asian slavery is different from the western slavery structure. Slavery in Asia w as of two types: the debt slaves and the bondage slaves. The former type were people who paid large debts through elicited free labor whereas the latter type were captives from raids and wars who were sold to slavery. In the seventeenth and the eighteenth centuries, the population of Southeast Asia remained at a very low level hence troubling the region with problems of labor shortage. This reality aggravated the lust for money of the raiders who traded slaves as laborers in a naturally bountiful but populace- deprived environment. Nevertheless, even before the Dutch colonized Borneo it had already been the fortress of slave trade in which slaves were awarded as tributes or trading commodities. Although, it is important to note that western concept of slavery in Asia which is characterized by slaves in chains and those who were frequently chastised and maltreated, is not coherent